EFFECTS OF EATING WHEAT TO YOUR HEALTH New studies show that even whole wheat may contribute to serious health problems. Here are 6 ways wheat can destroy your health. 1. Wheat is Loaded With Gluten Gluten is the main protein found in wheat and a few other grains like rye, spelt and barley. Its name is derived from its glue-like (glu-ten) properties. This protein gives dough its elastic properties and makes it pliable. If you’ve ever handled wet dough in your life, then you will know what I’m talking about. The problem with modern wheat is that many people are unable to properly digest the gluten in it. The immune system “sees” the gluten proteins in the digestive tract, thinks they’re foreign invaders and mounts an attack… not just against the gluten, but also the digestive wall itself. This is the hallmark of celiac disease , a serious disease which may affect up to 1% of the population ( 1 , 2 ). However, there is evidence that a much larger percent...